Born in Alexandria, Virginia, Brian began drawing at the age of three. Through the encouragement and example of his grandmother, a commercial artist herself, he knew at an early age that he wanted to pursue a career in art. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida, where he also worked as an illustrator for A BEKA BOOKS. It was there that he had the opportunity to study under Brian Jekel, an accomplished painter who would greatly impact his life. "By introducing me to the Old Masters of the late nineteenth century, Brian Jekel set into motion a series of events and study that would forever direct my course as an artist."
From private homes to corporate buildings, premier portrait painter, Brian Neher, has captured the likenesses of clients of all ages. His work has been shown at the Portrait Institute in Manhattan, N.Y., and has been featured in several major art publications, including American Artist, Portrait and Figure Painting Highlights, South African Artist and Charlotte Magazine. He has received recognition in the National Portrait Competition as well as the West Coast Society of Portrait Painters. He has appeared on national public televisions as a guest on the magazine format show Paint!,Paint!,Paint!.

Brian has had the unique and rare opportunity to study under one of America's finest painters, renowned portraitist, Joe Bowler. "Through critiques, demonstrations, encouragement, and the constant study of the Old masters, Joe gave me an early start on what true painting is all about. Much of the progress which I have made as a painter has been a direct result of being under his guidance. I hope to someday be able to give back to others what Joe has given to me."

Today, Brian resides in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife, Jacquie and their two daughters, Brooke and Casey.
Above all, Brian thanks the Lord for the talent which He has given to him and for the opportunity to use those creative skills for His glory.